Shopify Tutorials

How to Add 301 Redirects In Shopify?

According to Rank IQ, there are approximately 5,000 monthly searches for “301 redirect Shopify” on Google. Redirects can be an essential part of your Shopify site strategy if your stock changes frequently. You want to keep your website authority and backlink profile intact, and redirects are integral to that process. Shopify redirects are simple processes that can be completed in simple steps. By redirecting old URLs to new URLs, you can ensure that customers are taken to the correct pages of your website, that their browsing experience is uninterrupted, and that search engines are correctly updated. This article will explain 301 redirects in Shopify, from what they are to how to use them.

What is 301 redirect?

A Shopify 301 redirects is an HTTP status code that informs web browsers and search engines that a webpage has been permanently relocated to a new location. When a user or a search engine attempts to access the original URL, the server will send a 301 response code and redirect the user to the new URL.

Why do I need a 301 redirect?

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. You may require a 301 redirect for a variety of reasons, including

Changing the website domain: If you are moving your website to a new environment, you must set up 301 redirects from the old URLs to the new ones. This will ensure visitors and search engines are directed to the correct pages on your new domain.

Updating URLs: If you are changing the URLs of your pages, you will need to set up 301 redirects from the old URLs to the new ones. This will ensure that visitors and search engines are directed to the correct pages on your website and that you don’t lose any traffic or search engine rankings.

Consolidating pages: If you have multiple pages with similar or identical content, consider consolidating them into one page. In this case, you can set up 301 redirects from the old pages to the new consolidated page to ensure visitors and search engines are directed to the correct page.

How to use 301 redirects in Shopify?

To use Shopify 301 redirects, you can follow these steps:

1.  Log in to your Shopify store and go to the “Online Store” section.

2.  Click on “Navigation” and then select “URL Redirects.”

3.  Click on the “Add URL redirect” button.

4.   In the “From” field, enter the old URL that you want to redirect.

5.   In the “To” field, enter the new URL that you want to redirect to.

6.   Choose “Permanent (301)” from the “Redirect type” drop-down menu.

7.  Click on the “Save” button.

Repeat these steps for each URL that you want to redirect. Once you have created the redirects, visitors who try accessing the old URLs will be automatically redirected to the new ones. This is important for maintaining SEO and preserving any links that may have been shared or bookmarked.

Best practices for using 301 redirects:

While 301 redirects can be a powerful SEO tool, they must be used correctly to avoid adverse effects on your website’s ranking. Here are some best practices to follow when using 301 redirects:

1. Use 301 redirects for permanent changes only. If you’re making a temporary change, use a 302 redirect instead.

2. Redirect to the most relevant page. Make sure the new page you’re redirecting to is the most relevant to the old page.

3. Use redirects sparingly. Too many redirects can slow down your website and hurt your SEO ranking.

4. Test your redirects. Make sure your redirects are working correctly by testing them with a tool like Screaming Frog or Google Search Console.

Sure, here’s a table that summarizes the differences between 301 and 302 redirects:

301 Redirect302 Redirect
Means “Moved Permanently”Means “Found” or “Moved Temporarily”
Tells search engines to update their index to the new pageDoesn’t necessarily update search engine index
Redirects all traffic to the new page permanentlyRedirects traffic to the new page temporarily
Useful for redirecting outdated pages or URLs that no longer existUseful for temporarily redirecting traffic during website maintenance or A/B testing
Can cause some loss of link juice, as the original page’s backlinks will be redirected to the new page Does not cause loss of link juice, as the original page’s backlinks will eventually be directed back to the original page once the temporary redirect is removed


Using Shopify 301 redirects is an easy and effective way to improve your SEO ranking. By redirecting old URLs to new ones, you can consolidate the SEO value of multiple pages and ensure that users land on the correct page. Just make sure to follow best practices and test your redirects to avoid any negative impacts on your ranking. if you need immediate ecommerce web development services or assistance, you can contact us now . Our friendly and knowledgeable representatives are available to help you with Shopify inquiries

Shopify Developer

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